Science Journal -Esther

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last blog for this assignment

This is my last blog for the assessment. Everything is running smoothly. We start presenting next week. Our slide is nearly finished and Ashleigh is sending the handout to Mr Lennon tomorrow morning to print out for us.

Group Evaluation

This is the evaluation that we have to complete:

  • What role/s did you take on for this assignment? I was a helping hand to everyone and doing completing my own questions. I helped make the handout as well. 
  • What did you like about working as a group? It was fun helping each other out. 
  • What was difficult about working as a group? It was also difficult because sometimes we wouldn't agree on some things. 
  • What did you learn about working as a group? Working as a group was good, something that I learnt was that we have to co-operate more and agree with each other. 
  • How well did you work together/co-operatively? We worked together well most of the time but sometimes we didn't co-operate. 
  • Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically? Yes everyone worked together both equally and enthusiastically. 
  • How well as an individual did you work as part of the group? I think I worked okay. I helped everyone when they needed help.
  • Identify your strengths and your weaknesses as a group member. Well strengths were helping everyone and helping them find their information. The weaknesses were my part of the research and putting together the blog. Also with trying to put my information onto the slideshow.
  • Outline suggestions to improve your approach to work. Well I could try to put more effort into my researching, help people out more.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Resources for my questions

This is the website below.  This is an awesome site that helped me learn more about asthma. 
This is the website below.  This is a helpful site. This helped me with how to explain how we breathe. It also talks about diseases that affect the respiratory system. 

Problems with putting my slide on

The assignment is nearly due and we cannot add anything to our blogs afterwards. So the journal is the only thing due on Thursday 26th August.  I don't know how to put one of my questions on to the slide. I will ask Ashleigh or Krisantha for some help. We might meet up some time soon to work on the slideshow together.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Helping each other out and other decisions

Today I will be helping Ashleigh more with the handout. We are also helping each other out with the slide show and everything else. Ashleigh will help me to put my information onto the slide show. We will still be researching a little bit so we can expand more on our slides.

Planning and resources for slideshow

We are developing our slide show. Everyone has at least put on one slide except for Carli. We need to put our information into the slides. We are planning to get together again before we have to show our assessment. We have all completed our questions for the slide show.We will be helping each other during our lesson which is our last lesson before we have to hand in our assessment task.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

This is a diagram of a human respiratory system. This will help us with the completion of our questions and help you where and what the parts of the respiratory system.
This shows how a person breathes using a diagram and labels. It shows us the lungs at which direction the air enters and goes out.

Resources for the powerpoint

These are the questions that I had to answer for the powerpoint:
How does it work?

Air enters through the nose or the mouth, then passes through the nasopharynx (this is the upper most part of the pharynx). It goes through the oral pharynx. Into the glottis, and down the trachea. Then air travels to the left and right bronchi.
Bad habits.

A bad habit that affects the respiratory system is smoking. Smoking cause’s emphysema and lung cancer which are serious diseases. Emphysema is the damage to the air sacs walls causing loss of elasticity. Problems which can affect your lungs can be asthma, bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis, pneumonia, and even the common cold. Asthma is a can be a long term inflammatory lung disease which closes the airways making it hard for the person too breathe if they come into contact with any irritant. Pneumonia is the infection of the lungs caused by a virus or disease. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disorder which is caused by genetics. The common cold is caused by a virus. Asthma is caused by the restriction of the hypersensitive airways. Pleurisy is the inflammation of the pleural membrane lining lungs and the chest cavity. Influenza is a serious infection caused by the influenza virus. Lung cancer is a tumour that developed in the lungs.

This will help when putting together our powerpoint.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Decisions about handouts

Mr Lennon said that we have to send the handouts to him so that he can print it. Ashleigh is going to make the handout and I will help her to make it. There are 3 items on the handout for our class to figure out. Mr Lennon gets a copy of the answers.

Plannning changed and working together

We ended going to the library altogether on Thursday 19th August instead of going 3 times. We worked together on the assessment and finished the questions.
Also we got our replacement lesson in the computer rooms today.

Friday, August 13, 2010

More planning and sharing

We are going to the library after school on these dates:

Monday 16th
Tuesday 17th
Thursday 19th

Carli will not go to the library on the 17th and Ashleigh will not be coming to the library at all.
We will be working on our assignment together. Separately and together.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Resources that may be used

This is a great picture to help you understand the respiratory system. This helps you to label and find out the parts which help you to breathe. 

Times of planning and times of sharing

These are the following times that we will have the laptops in class to plan out and work on our assignment:
Monday 9th August- we didn't get to use the laptops as there was a technical problem with the server. Mr Lennon said that he would give us another lesson to make up for it.
Friday 13th August
Tuesday 17th August
Wednesday 18th August
Monday 23rd August

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our first decisions

Mr Lennon let us choose our groups today, we also picked our topics out of a plastic sleeve.
Group members: Ashleigh, Carli, Krisantha
Our topic is the respiratory system.
For our presentation we are most likely going to use because we can access it at the same time and edit the presentation without needing to have several accounts.
WE have decided to split the questions for the tutorial.
Carli : question 1 and 2
Me: question 3 and 4
Krisantha: question 5 and 6
Ashleigh: question 7
Ashleigh has to help us all with the all of the questions.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My First Blog

this is my first blog that I'm posting for my science assignment